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  • add this 100% free game to your website or wordpress
  • installs in just seconds on any web page
  • keep traffic on your site for longer
  • build a community of online followers on your own website!

^^ copy / paste the above code to embed this game on your site.

Arcade Game Buddy List

October 18, 2011

Finally, you can play your favorite Arcade Game with all your favorite friends, because arcade game bird brawl has a brand new buddy list! Just connect with facebook, and see who's playing this awesome angry birds like game. Our awesome buddy list will even tell you how long its been since your friends have last been online. You can also invite more friend to play this sweet arcade game by just clicking on their facebook thumbnail--and even earn extra eggs in the process. So, go right ahead, and connect to facebook. You'll start to see what all the fun stuff is about!

Bird Brawl Updates